Bibliographie de la "Méthode CORICO"

Série temporelle, logiciel CORICO

Issue de la recherche multidimensionnelle en océanographie, l'Iconographie des corrélations a très vite trouvé des applications dans la recherche et l'industrie (plan d'expériences, analyse multivariée, séries temporelles, etc.)

1 - Textes français sur l'iconographie des corrélations :

Livre: "L'Analyse de Données par Iconographie des Corrélations", Michel Lesty (201 pages), Juin 2023, disponible sous forme Brochée, ou sous forme ebook.

" Corrélations partielles et « Corrélations duales » " M. Lesty, La Revue de Modulad, n°39, pp.1-22, décembre 2008. Article

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Par analogie avec l’interprétation géométrique de la « corrélation partielle », tirée de la formule fondamentale du triangle sphérique, on introduit la notion de « corrélation duale ». Les propriétés de ces corrélations, examinées d’abord sur un cas d’école, se révèlent un moyen souple d’investigation de données géochimiques et astronomiques. Quatre sources indépendantes de calcium et quatre sources indépendantes de radon, sont mises en évidences dans l’aérosol marin de l’Atlantique Nord. Une comparaison est faite avec le radon de l’île Amsterdam. Une composante du CO2 atmosphérique est liée aux taches solaires.

" La Recherche des Harmoniques, une Nouvelle Fonction du Logiciel CORICO ." M.Lesty, La revue de Modulad, n°29, pp 39-78, juin 2002. Article

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Outre l'analyse de données et le plan d'expériences, la méthode CORICO innove dans la modélisation. Son aptitude à SELECTIONNER les régresseurs pertinents parmi des dizaines de milliers de fonctions non linéaires, telles qu'interactions logiques, motifs périodiques, effet de seuil, ruptures de tendance, points atypiques, etc.., est illustrée ici dans le cas particulier des séries temporelles.

Le principe de décomposition, absolument général, simple et robuste, ne recourt pas à l'analyse de Fourier, limitée aux composantes sinusoïdales stationnaires, ni au processus ARIMA, réclamant une cadence régulière d'échantillonnage, ni aux lissages de courbes par moyennes mobiles qui augmentent les risques de créer des saisonnalités parasites. Les exemples, très divers, sont présentés pas à pas, illustrés de graphes explicites (trafic SNCF, étoile variable).

Dans la décomposition traditionnelle des séries temporelles en saisonnalité, tendance et résidu, la prévision est possible si la série désaisonnalisée (la tendance) présente une forme aisément prolongeable vers le futur. Ce qui n'est pas toujours le cas lorsque la tendance est irrégulière. La méthode CORICO conduit au contraire à décomposer la série en :

  • des composantes qui se prêtent à la prévision (saisonnalités, rupture de tendances, interactions, motifs périodiques...),
  • des composantes qui n'empêchent pas la prévision, car localisées dans le temps (morceaux d'onde, points atypiques).

" Interpolation d'une étoile variable, RT Cygni." M. Lesty, Bulletin de l'AFOEV n°96 - juin 2001, pp.8-13. Article

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Dans la régression multiple on cherche à modéliser une variable Y en fonction de plusieurs autres variables qui constituent les conditions de l’expérience. Dans la prévision basée sur la décomposition harmonique, on cherche à modéliser une variable Y en fonction d’une seule variable (le temps par exemple), ou, plus exactement, par une combinaison linéaire de plusieurs fonctions sinusoïdales de cette seule variable. La méthode CORICO permet d’introduire dans le modèle d’autres fonctions que les fonctions sinusoïdales, par exemple des ruptures de tendances en forme de « marche d’escalier », ou de « V », ou même des événements accidentels tel que des pics isolés ou des « morceaux d’ondes ». Ceci est précieux, car des corps célestes en mouvements, nuages de poussières, etc... peuvent s’interposer temporairement entre l’étoile et nous, et pourraient expliquer des variations d’éclat apparent, surajoutées à la pulsation naturelle de l’étoile, et se manifestant par des ruptures de tendances telles que « marche d’escalier », etc....

" Une nouvelle approche dans le choix des régresseurs de la régression multiple en présence d'interactions et de colinéarités. " M. Lesty, La Revue de Modulad, n°22, pp.41-77, janvier 1999. Article

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A partir d'exemples simples (performances en gymnastique, gain de poids des animaux, indice du marché des actions américain) on présente une méthode originale de choix des variables et interactions d'ordre 2 dans un modèle de régression multiple, en présence de multicolinéarités et d'interactions. La méthode CORICO (Iconographie des Corrélations) est fondée sur les corrélations totales et partielles. La détection des points aberrants est obtenue au moyen de variables indicatrices des observations. L'introduction de fonctions logiques non linéaires d'ordre 2 améliore l'interprétation du plan d'expérience. Une annexe contient l'exposé synthétique des principes de la méthode CORICO, ainsi qu'une bibliographie.

" La Synthèse Géométrique des Corrélations Multidimensionnelles." M. Lesty et P. Buat-Ménard. Les Cahiers de l'Analyse des données, Vol.VII, n°3, 1982, pp.355-370. Article

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La construction sphérique du schéma de CORICO est fondée sur l'aspect géométrique des corrélations totales et partielles (parcor). La précision trigonométrique met en évidence la structure organisée de microvariations géochimiques qui, sans cela, eussent été considérées comme du bruit. Lors d'une étude classique, la complexité des phénomènes conduit à une sélection, toujours arbitraire, des paramètres dont l'analyse est jugée prioritaire. Les schémas de CORICO permettent d'emblée, au contraire, une vue globale des multiples paramètres disponibles. Ils attirent l'attention sur des phénomènes géochimiques importants de l'atmosphère marine, comme le lien du radon avec le coefficient de marée, ou l'association du mercure avec le passage des fronts. D'autres phénomènes, de nature plus complexe, comme le groupe Rn, SO4, Se, Ca, Br, ne pouvaient être mis en lumière que par ce type de figure. Enfin, la possibilité de séparer les diverses composantes, montre une composante marine du chrome associée à celle du fer.

2 - Des applications de l'iconographie des corrélations :

"Optimization of Mechanical Properties and Manufacturing Time through Experimental and Statistical Analysis of Process Parameters in Selective Laser Sintering" Adrian Korycki , Christian Garnier , Valerie Nassiet , Charles Tarek Sultan and France Chabert. Advances in Materials Science and Engineering, Volume 2022, Article ID 2526281, 15 pages Article

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A statistical analysis of the response of the parameters has been led by a design of experiments to extract the most inƒuential parameters in the selective laser sintering process. The parametric study was carried out by varying five parameters on the SLS machine and by looking at their influence on five groups of responses relating to the physical, mechanical, and thermal properties as well as to the printing duration. The mathematical models of the response surfaces were established by linking the responses to factors and their interactions. The model of regression uses not only the interaction between regressors but also nonlinear logical functions. These statistical models were used to define an optimal set of parameters. The geometry and density of specimens made of polyamide 12 confirm that increasing the distance between successive laser beam passes allows a significant manufacturing time reduction. The mechanical properties depend mostly on laser power and scan count. We conclude that a low laser power applied twice can improve the properties of the printed part. By optimizing the laser parameters, the targeted mechanical properties are obtained with over 33% of production time savings.

"Growing Medium Type Affects Organic Fertilizer Mineralization and CNPS Microbial Enzyme Activities" Louise Paillat, Patrice Cannavo, Fabrice Barraud, Lydie Huché-Thélier and René Guénon, Agronomy 2020, 10, 1955. Article

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Managing plant fertilization is a major concern of greenhouse growers to achieve sustainable production with growing media. Organic fertilization is popular but is more dicult to control, since organic compounds need first to be mineralized by microbes. After 7, 14, 28, and 56 days of incubation, we investigated the response of microbial activities and nutrient releases from three frequently used organic fertilizers (horn and two plant-based fertilizers) in three frequently employed growing media (GM) types (peat, coir, and bark). We measured pH, electrical conductivity, nutrient contents (NH4 +-N, NO3 􀀀-N, PO4 3􀀀-P, SO4 2􀀀-S), and enzyme activities ( -1.4-glucosidase, urease, acid phosphatase, arylsulfatase). After fertilization, microbes in coir expressed all the C, N, P, and S functions studied, making related nutrients available. In peat and bark, some C, N, P, and S-related pathways were locked. Peat presented high NH4 +-N and PO4 3􀀀-P releases linked to high acid phosphatase and -glucosidase activities, while bark showed high nitrification rates but weak enzyme activities. Fertilizer types modulated these responses with lower activities and nutrient releases with horn. Our results contributed to better understanding mineralization processes in GM, showing di erent microbial responses to fertilization. This study pointed out the necessity to look deeper into microbial functions in GM optimizing biological and physicochemical properties.

“Intellectual Property and Static and Dynamic Proximity in Colombian Museum Networks: A Representation by Iconography of Correlations.” Jenny-Paola Lis-Gutiérrez, Álvaro Zerda Sarmiento, Amelec Viloria, in Procedia Computer Science 160 (2019) 555–560; The 4th International workshop on Big Data and Networks Technologies (BDNT 2019) November 4-7, 2019, Coimbra, Portugal

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This paper analyzes the relationship between intellectual property and the different types of proximity in networks of geographic museums in Colombia. For this, we applied a survey to nine territorial networks that are made up of 237 museums. The analyze include the use of different kind of visualization of correlations between variables and agents (in this case, museum networks), the iconography of correlations and the weighted graphs. Among the main findings are that (i) IP protection is independent of the types of proximity that museums and museum networks face; (ii) museum networks do not have the culture of registration of new creations or distinctive signs.

“An iconographic correlation method for optimizing a combined microwave/hot air drying of apple.” J.C.Laguerre, L.G. Ratovoarisoa, A.C. Vivant, J.P. Gadonna, C. Jouquand, in Malus domestica Sp. 19th International Conference on Food Processing & Technology, Paris, France, 23-25/10/2017

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Fruits and vegetables are the main source of food wastes. In France, apples are the most common fruits that are discarded when they are out of caliber, thus it seems relevant to find techniques able to valorize and conserve them so that they are not rejected as wastes at early stage. We show here the optimization of a combined drying technique microwave/hot air (MWHA) for apple Malus domestica sp. in terms of energy consumption, physico-chemical and organoleptic properties. The apples were cultivated in a farm located at 55 km northern Paris (France). The MWHA drying was performed in a multi-energy oven airo-speed®. The optimization approach was the iconographic correlation (CORICO) that provides original models connecting the studied responses to the experimental design factors thanks to several logical interactions between factors. The factors were: specific microwave power (SPi: 1 to 1.5 W/g), maximum specific microwave power (SPmax: 4.91 to 7.02 W/g), hot air temperature (THA: 40 to 50°C), drying duration (d: 180 to 540 minutes), sample thickness (T: 15 to 27mm). The responses of experimental design were: final humidity dry basis (X), water activity (aw), specific energy consumption (SEC in kWh/kg), crispness evaluated by means of a penetration test with a TA.XT plus Texture Analyser , colorimetric values of dried apples: lightness (L*), the chroma (C*), and the hue angle (h). The organoleptic properties measured were fresh apple flavor, acidity, crispness and off-flavors. CORICO provided models giving good accuracy for most of the responses (0,89 < R2 < 0,99). Optimal conditions were determined to minimize energy consumption, final humidity, off-flavors and to maximize other organoleptic characteristics. The validation of the optimal conditions found confirmed that the models were accurate and predictable.

"Forêts tropicales insulaires et chiroptères : le cas de la Martinique (Petites Antilles – France)." M. Barataud, S. Giosa, G. Issartel, J. Jemin, M. Lesty & J-P. Fiard. Le Vespère n°7, pp 411-457, 2017 Article

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L’île de la Martinique, située dans l’archipel des Petites Antilles, est recouverte à 36,5 % de forêts plus ou moins dégradées, réparties en 11 types d’habitats. Les onze espèces de chiroptères présentes ont un rôle de disséminateurs (frugivores, nectarivore) et régulateurs (insectivores) au sein des écosystèmes forestiers. Une étude combinant la détection acoustique et la capture au filet a mesuré la richesse spécifique et le niveau d’activité nocturne des chiroptères dans les onze types d’habitats forestiers, de la mangrove aux fourrés d’altitude. Les résultats présentent la nature et l’intensité des liens entre les 11 espèces de chiroptères et 15 variables descriptives relevées sur 151 stations, avec une pression totale d’inventaire de 393 heures, ayant permis de recueillir 31812 contacts acoustiques (bruts) et de réaliser 1125 captures d’individus. Les deux techniques d’inventaire s’avèrent très complémentaires. L’activité nocturne de certaines espèces n’est pas uniformément répartie selon les heures de la nuit, les types forestiers ou les altitudes. Grâce à l’utilisation d’indices écologiques, une hiérarchisation des sites et des habitats forestiers est présentée, en regard de leur attractivité pour les chiroptères.

"Optimization of microwave cooking of beef burgundy in terms of nutritional and organoleptic properties." Celine Jouquand , Frederic J. Tessier , Julien Bernard, David Marier, KenWoodward,Philippe Jacolot, Pascale Gadonna-Widehem, Jean-Claude Laguerre, In: LWT - Food Science and Technology 60 (2015) 271e27 Article

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The premise was to adapt a conventional beef burgundy model for use in microwave cooking (MC) whilst preserving nutritional and eating qualities. The effects of specific power and different cooking times were measured by meat tenderness, Nε-carboxymethyllysine (CML), lysine, polyphenol contents and energy consumption. A CORICO (CORrelations ICOnography) design for four factors (specific power, times of browning, cooking and reduction) was used to compare MC and traditional cooking (TC) determining the optimized MC conditions. For the optimal conditions (specific power of 0.84 W/g and a cooking time of 84 min), the level of CML product was similar to that measured after TC. However, lysine degradation was more pronounced when TC was used compared to optimized MC. Consumer tests showed that the eating quality of the beef burgundy cooked using MC compared favourably to that of the TC. Energy consumption of the optimized MC conditions was lower than the conventional process

"Using of the Iconographic Correlation method and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) for the optimization of a combined microwave hot air drying of the microalgae Isochrysis sp.” J.C. Laguerre, L.P. Ratoandromalala, A. Humeau, J.P. Gadona, L. Lakhal. In 17th IUFOST World Congress of Food Science and Technology, Montreal, Canada,17-21/08/2014 Article

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Microalgae contain many compounds with high added value interesting for many sectors (health, food, pharmaceuticals, and cosmetics). The extraction of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs), one of compounds of interest of microalgae, requires a drying stage which can be done by various techniques (hot air, spray drying). Most of these techniques have the main drawback of causing degradation of the quality of microalgae and are great energy consuming. The objective of this study was the optimization of a combined microwave/hot air (MWHA) drying process of a marine microalgae strain, Isochrysis sp, in term of preserving PUFAs before extraction and in term of energy consumption. The Isochrysis sp strain used in this study was cultivated in a photobioreactor by the company SOLIANCE. The MWHA drying was performed in a lab-scale microwave dryer. A new optimization approach, called Iconographic Correlation (CORICO) was used. The CORICO method provides non-quadratic models connecting the studied responses to the plan factors thanks to several logical interactions. The MWHA drying was divided into two arbitrary phases with 5 given factors for the experimental design: SP1, the specific microwave power (SMP) in the first drying phase (FDP) (3 to 6 W/g) ; THA, the hot air temperature in the FDP (30 to 50°C) ; t1, the duration of the FDP (300 to 700 s) ; SP2, the SMP in the second drying phase (SDP) (3 to 4 W/g) ; t2, the duration of the SDP (500 to 2400 s). The responses of experimental design were: data got from the FTIR spectrum of the dried samples, final humidity, colour and energy consumption. Data analysis with CORICO provided very accurate models for responses studied (R2> 0.95). Similarly, the optimal conditions to minimize degradation of PUFAs and energy consumption were determined. The validation of these optimal conditions (SP1 = 3,36 W/g ; THA = 30°C ; t1 = 326 s ; SP2 = 3,84 W/g ; t2 = 2374 s) confirmed the good accuracy of the models obtained as the coefficient of determination between the responses calculated for these settings and experimental responses was of 0.99 In conclusion, the combined drying MWHA is a technique that could be used to minimize losses of molecules of interest before extraction. The use of the CORICO method associated with the FTIR technique was very effective in optimizing the combined drying MWHA of the strain Isochrysis sp.

"Etude expérimentale du soudage par laser YAG de l'alliage base nickel Hastelloy" Graneix, Jérémie and Béguin, Jean-Denis and Pardeilhan, François and Masri, Talal and Alexis, Joël. In: Journées Annuelles de la SF2M, 29 October 2013 - 31 October 2013 (Villeneuve d'Ascq, France). Article

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Le procédé de soudage laser YAG est envisagé pour remplacer le procédé de soudage TIG manuel pour la réalisation de pièces de turboréacteur en alliage nickel-chrome-molybdène Hastelloy X. Cette étude expérimentale a permis de définir un domaine de soudabilité de cet alliage répondant aux critères spécifiques du secteur aéronautique.

"The iconographic correlation (CORICO) method, a new approach for the optimization of microwave cooking processes: application for cooking fish."J.C. Laguerre, I. Douiri-Bédoui1, C. Chireux, D. Marier, P. Jacolot, C. Jouquand, F.J. Tessier, K. Woodward, P. Gadonna-Widehem. November 2013, EFFOST Annual meeting, At Bologna, Italy. Conference paper

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Microwave (MW) ovens are the more and more used in collective or commercial catering for the flexibility and convenience they provide to professionals. However, its main use boils down to regenerating precooked dishes. This under-utilization in catering can be partly explained by the lack of understanding and knowledge by caterers on the potential of this technology especially in the field of cooking processes. This technique is often heterogeneous which may be linked to the electromagnetic field, the product nature, its size, and other factors. The objective of this study was to optimize the MW cooking of a dish made with fish filets in white wine through 5 criteria: organoleptic (fish texture, sauce viscosity, sensory score), food safety (surface and internal temperatures of dish, microbiological response), nutritional (lysine content), neo-formed contaminant formation (carboxyméthyllysine), and economic and environmental criteria (energy consumption). A new optimization approach, called Iconographic Correlation (CORICO) different from the classical approach of experimental design was used. The classical approach proposes a priori quadratic models while the CORICO method provides non-quadratic models connecting the studied responses (output variables) to the plan factors (input variables) thanks to several logical interactions. Three factors were identified for the design of experiments: the specific MW power (1 to 2.5 W/g), the browning time (2 to 7 min) and the cooking time (12 to 20 min). The data analysis with CORICO software allowed identifying the optimal conditions for fish filet MW cooking with a specific power of 2 W/g, a browning time of 5 min and a cooking time of 15 min. These conditions ensured the microbial safety of the dish and confirmed a similar acceptability rating to a traditionally cooked fish using consumer tasting panels in France and UK.

"Amélioration de la qualité de la tomate séchée par microondes assistés par air chaud avec pilotage de la puissance spécifique." Kisselmina Youssouf Kone. Thèse 13 décembre 2011, Institut des Sciences et Industries du Vivant et de l'Environnement (AgroParisTech). Thèse

" Estudios de correlación de las variables significativas analizadas en el censo económico 2010." Alvarez Raul, Retos 2 julio/diciembre 2011 Pp 19-38s. Article

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Este artículo presenta un estudio del análisis de correlación de las variables más significativas presentadas por el Instituto Nacional de Estadísticas y Censo (INEC) del Censo económico 2010. El estudio hace un enfoque utilizando las correlaciones lineales de Pearson, y se pretende eliminar las correlaciones sin sentido encontradas en este análisis por medio de correlaciones parciales.

" A study of bone marrow neoangiogenesis in chronic lymphocytic leukaemia patients." Lesty C., Baudet S., Charlotte F. (2010) Analytical and quantitative cytology and histology / the International Academy of Cytology [and] American Society of Cytology 2010;32(1):11-23.

" Chemometric evaluation of time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometry data of minerals in the frame of future in situ analyses of cometary material by COSIMA onboard ROSETTA." Engrand C;, Kissel J., Krueger F.R., Martin P., Silén J., Thirkel L.l, Thomas R., Varmuza K. (2006). (Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry Volume 20, Issue 8 p 1361-1368) Published Online: 23 Mar 2006 (

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Chemometric data evaluation methods for time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometry (TOF-SIMS) have been tested for the characterization and classification of minerals. Potential applications of these methods include the expected data from cometary material to be measured by the COSIMA instrument onboard the ESA mission ROSETTA in the year 2014. Samples of the minerals serpentine, enstatite, olivine, and talc have been used as proxies for minerals existing in extraterrestrial matter. High mass resolution TOF-SIMS data allow the selection of peaks from inorganic ions relevant for minerals. Multivariate cluster analysis of peak intensity data by principal components analysis and the new method CORICO showed a good separation of the mineral classes. Classification by k nearest-neighbor classification (KNN) or binary decision trees (CART method) results in more than 90% correct class assignments in a leave-one-out cross validation. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

" Geometric Method and Generalized Linear Models: Two opposite Multiparametric Approaches Illustrated on a Sample of Pituitary Adenomas." Lesty C., Pleau-Varet J. & Kujas M. Journal of Applied Statistics Vol 31(2): pp191-213. February 2004.

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This paper compares two general approaches to data analysis: based on general linear models and on CORICO geometric interpretation. The focus is on model selection (which variables to have in the model). The authors applied the methods to two different situations (a "case-control study" and a "historical cohort"). They show that the geometric exploratory tool is particularly suited to the analysis of small samples with a large number of variables. It could save time when setting up new study protocols. In this instance, the geometric approach highlighted, without preconceived ideas, the potential role of multihormonality in the course of pituitary adenoma and the unexpected influence of the date of tumor excision on the risk attached to haemorrhage.

" Multi-correlation analyses of TOF-SIMS spectra for mineralogical studies." C. Engrand, J. Lespagnol, P.Martin, L. Thirkell, R. Thomas. Applied Surface Science 231-232 (2004) 883-887

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The authors reports the statistical treatment of TOF-SIMS spectra recorded from two different kind of silicate which are abundant in extraterrestrial matter. The CORICO software used for this treatment: (1) show the correlation between spectra of the same mineralogical composition; (2) identifies mass peak which may introduce experimental bias (In, Na, K, etc.); (3) reveals unexpected differences in the anaysis of two fragments of the same mineral (case of the Ca-rich pyroxene).

" Cleaved Lymphocytes in Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia: A Detailed Retrospective Analysis of Diagnostic Features." Hugo Gonzalez , Karim Maloum , Florence Remy, Hélène Merle-Béral , Claude Lesty. Leukemia and Lymphoma, Volume 43, Number 3/2002 , pp 555-564

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Through a global analysis of diagnostic features, the aim was to profile CLL patients with circulating cleaved lymphocytes at diagnosis, a controversial prognostic factor. Although some of them could have been considered today as having Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, all 106 patients of our retrospective series have had CLL treatments. Slide review distinguished seven lymphocyte morphotypes. With minimal a priori assumptions, excluding in particular clinical staging systems, forty-five diagnostic features were analyzed in 37 patients. CORICO (Correlations Iconography), a purely geometric method, deciphered the multidimensional structure of the raw data. Probabilistic monoparametric tests were made on the 106 patients. In ten patients (Binet stages: 3A, 6B, 1C), at least 8% of the lymphocytes were cleaved. Unrelated to the prolymphocytes, this morphotype had neither links with the CD5+CD23+ (9/10 vs 80/86), FMC7+ (5/10 vs 22/62), CD38 (1/7 vs 7/64) markers nor with any major CLL laboratory values; only three links characterized it: no cases of mixed marrow infiltrate (nodular: 1, interstitial: 6, diffuse: 3; ns), a lower percentage of eosinophils (ns), and predominance of CD11c (7/l0 vs 20/66, p<0.02). In conclusion, in contrast to the PLL morphotype, or to the lactic dehydrogenase (LDH) activity, which was a strong prognostic factor in this series, an independent detrimental value of the cleaved morphotype has not yet been found. Our study shows that free of modeling constraints, this method makes possible a rapid and objective insight into variable interrelations. If further explored in a prospective study, this approach may contribute to the understanding of discrepancies in the literature.

" Interpolation d'une étoile variable, RT Cygni." M. Lesty, Bulletin de l'AFOEV n°96 - juin 2001, pp.8-13.

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La décomposition harmonique de type CORICO, tout à fait inédite, n'est fondée ni sur les moyennes mobiles, ni sur le calcul différentiel, ni sur l'analyse de Fourrier, ni sur la dispersion de phase, ni sur les ondelettes, mais sur le seul calcul des corrélations totales et partielles. La corrélation étant un cosinus dans l'espace à n dimensions, cette méthode, purement trigonométrique, ne suppose à aucun moment une relation entre un instant t et un instant t+dt ou t+n; d'où sa grande précision, et la possibilité d'un calcul rigoureux même lorsque la cadence d'échantillonnage n'est pas régulière, comme c'est le cas pour les étoiles variables, en raison des intempéries.

"Analyse des Corrélations et Fabrication des Composites." C. Vallée et X. Le Méteil. La Maîtrise du risque dans la Construction Aéronautique. Phoebus n°19 (tome 2) - 4 ième trimestre 2001.

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La fabrication et l'intégration des composites dans les structures volantes restent souvent délicates et engendrent de nombreux rebuts face aux exigences sévères de fiabilité des matériels. La méthode CORICO permet d'exploiter les données disponibles dans les procès verbaux de réception de matière, de réduire les tests effectués habituellement à réception de ces lots, en ne conservant que les plus pertinents, et enfin, de mieux spécifier le produit vers les fournisseurs. Cette démarche s'inscrit dans la politique continue de réduction des coûts versus fiabilité qui reste un axe important pour la sûreté de fonctionnement au niveau du groupe SNECMA. La méthode peut être transposée à de nombreux problèmes.

" Le Principe des Plans d'Expériences de type CORICO." M. Lesty, Colloque Chimiométrie 2000, 6 -7 décembre 2000, Paris, Résumé des Communications, p. 83.

" CORICO analyse les données dans l'agro-alimentaire." 01 Informatique, Numéro Spécial octobre 1999, p. 109. Article

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Présentation succincte de l'entreprise CORYENT et du logiciel CORICO. Comment réduire les coûts expérimentaux.

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